Showing 5 Result(s)

New Genetic Tests Results

The results came back and it is nice to have it official, our 3 youngsters !– CHJ.SLO, CHM.HR., FUTURE HR HOPE Della Fiumana Lope De Vega (Lope) carrier for liver too  – Yes Yes Vom Magiccircle (Yes)– Daydreaming Stars Perdindirindina (Dina) All 3 are CLEAR for : Adult Onset Neuropath (AON) Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA-PRCD)Familial Nephropathy …


Homeopathic remedy for Vaccine Reaction

I’m often asked if I think it’s a good idea for a dog to be given a homeopathic remedy prior to being vaccinated, with the intent of preventing any kind of reaction. Personally, I believe it’s difficult to know what remedy might be effective in this regard, unless: a)    A constitutional remedy has already been established …


ECVO test

Today we had a visit at the Eye clinic , Ljubljana (SLO)dr. Tadej Zemljič, (Diplomat of European Collage of Veterinary Ophthalmplogists). Thrilled that both our young imports are eye tested clear !!!Viggo (Slo.J.Ch. Chm.Hr. Xeno Vom Magiccircle) & Dina (Daydreaming Stars Perdin dirindina)


About Vaccinations

What’s So Risky About Puppy Shots? You know this, right? For most dog owners, it’s not news that yearly boosters – or any boosters really – are at best unnecessary and at worst harmful. You know that reducing the number of vaccines is critical to your dog’s health, but when it comes to puppy shots, …


More Genetic Tests

Thrilled with the health test results for– Chm.Hr. Beauty Princess Skarline C.R.– Della Fiumana Panamera– Black Mirtilla’s Me Enamure Sin Pensarlo they was tested for PRA, FN, AMS and all are CLEAR !!!First time that we were able to DNA test for AMS ! Acral Mutilation Syndrome (AMS) is a rare autosomal-recessive genetic disorder that affects sensation …